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Chapter 13: Using Systems Management

Using the Systems Management Console

The Systems Management Console allows you to monitor events across a multimachine architecture or in a standalone environment, and to view the status of individual services and agents. With the appropriate permissions, you can also use the Systems Management Console to perform administrative tasks, such as starting or stopping a service.

Connecting to the Systems Management Console

To start, stop, or restart services, the Systems Management Console interacts with the JMX agent running in each installation. The agent is itself a lightweight server that accepts network requests from the Systems Management Console.

NoteSince Systems Management is an EAServer application, you cannot use the Systems Management Console to start or restart the server that is hosting the Systems Management application.

StepsConnecting to the Systems Management Console

  1. In your Web browser, go to:


    Where host is the name of the server that hosts the Systems Management application. The default host is the machine name.

  2. In the login window, enter:

The user interface controls

Once you are logged in, you see a multi-pane window that consists of:

When you are logged in to the Systems Management Console, the MBeans and services that are visible are determined by the J2EE roles that you have been granted. A service can be associated with certain read and update roles. This means that users must be granted these roles before they can view, or perform operations on, the service. For example, the EAServer service might have a read role called ReadX, as well as the default Admin Role. To view the EAServer service, users must be granted either the ReadX role or the Admin Role. By default, a service can be operated on only by someone who has the Admin Role—see “Managing user roles”.

Navigating the tree view

When you first log in, the tree view is collapsed. Use the plus sign to expand the tree view; your Web browser displays two panes similar to those shown in Figure 13-1. The tree view in the left pane expands and collapses to show the hierarchical view of managed services. When you highlight a specific item in the tree, detailed information about the item displays in the details view in the right pane. In the tree view, you can expand items by clicking on the plus-sign icons next to each folder, and collapse the hierarchy by clicking on the minus-sign icons. Items that do not display a plus-sign icon cannot be expanded.

Figure 13-1: Systems Management Console

The details view

The details view displays information about the item you highlight in the tree view.

JMX Browser

When you select JMX Browser in the tree view, the details view displays a list of the installed servers.


When you select a server in the tree view, the details view displays the following information:


When you select a service in the tree view, the details view displays these tabs:


When you select Events in the tree view, the details view displays a list of the most recent events. To display a subset of the events, enter the number of lines you want to see.


When you select MBeans in the tree view, the details view displays a list of the installed MBeans. When you select a specific MBean in the tree view, the details view displays the MBean attributes, which vary according to the MBean. “Accessing MBeans” describes the MBeans you can configure and the operations you can perform.

Performing actions

To perform an action on one of the entities in the tree view, highlight the entity, click Actions at the bottom of the page, and select the appropriate action from the list. Table 13-7 defines the actions for each entity type.

Table 13-7: Entity actions



JMX Browser

  • Add Host (server)

  • Refresh Node

A specific server

  • Disconnect

  • Remove

  • Refresh Node


  • Add Service

  • Refresh Node

A specific service

  • Start

  • Stop

  • Restart

  • Refresh Node

  • Remove


  • Reset

  • Refresh Node


  • Add MBean

  • Refresh Node

A specific MBean

  • Refresh Node

Managing user roles

User roles are determined by the EAServer security system, including Enterprise Security, if it is installed. Roles are not part of the Systems Management framework.

By default, users who have been granted the Admin Role can view all the services and MBeans that are deployed in the JMX agent, and can perform operations, such as starting and stopping services. You can also configure your system to allow users with roles other than the Admin Role to perform these tasks.

Managing access to services

Tighter controls exist for the roles required to access or operate on a service when it is accessed via the Services folder in the Systems Management Console. To configure these roles, you must edit the XML file that is used to start and configure the service. Every service can be assigned a set of read roles, and another set of update (execute) roles. If a service has no associated roles, it defaults to the values defined on the servlet’s Init-Params tab.

To assign a set of roles to a service, edit the appropriate XML file, and change the service definition. The XML files are located in the Systems Management ROOT directory; the EAServer service XML file is eas.xml.

Assume that you want to require that to view the EAServer service, users must have been granted either the ReadRole or Admin Role, and to do anything to the service (execute a method, or change an attribute) users need either the UpdateRole or Admin Role. To configure this scenario, the contents of eas.xml should look something like this:

<service name="EAS"
   readroles="ReadRole, Admin Role"
   updateroles="UpdateRole, Admin Role"

Instead of specifying “Admin Role,” you can use “+” to indicate the default role or roles specified on the servlet’s Init-Params tab.

In this example, to see and update the EAServer service, you must be granted either Admin Role, or both ReadRole and UpdateRole. If you are granted only ReadRole, you can view the EAServer service details but not update it. If you are granted only UpdateRole, you cannot see the service, so you cannot update it either.

For more information about user roles, see the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide. If Enterprise Security is installed, see also the Enterprise Security Administration Guide.

Accessing MBeans

Using the Web Console, you can access the following MBeans to manage your system:

The attributes you can modify and the operations you can perform for each of these MBeans is described below.

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